Module 1 Overview
Unit 1
Module 2 Introduction
Unit 1
Unit 2
Module 3 Instructions
Unit 1
Module 4 Establish a Data Modernization Team
Unit 1
Module 5 Engage Partners
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Module 6 Make the Value Case
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Module 7 Build Strategic Sustainability for Data Modernization
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Module 8 Assess Current State and Opportunities
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Module 9 Prioritize Projects
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Module 10 Develop the Plan
Unit 1
Module 11 Implement
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Module 12 Data Modernization Appendices
Unit 1
Unit 2
Module 13 Data Modernization Planning Resources
Unit 1

How to use this toolkit

The Data Modernization Planning Toolkit is divided into sections that outline the process to develop and implement a data modernization plan:

  1. Establish a data modernization team serves as a starting point for the DMI planning process, providing guidance about how to assemble a team for planning and implementation work. 
  2. Engage partners offers tools and recommendations to identify and engage partners to participate in current state assessment, prioritization and plan development. 
  3. Make the value case provides guidance for developing a data modernization value case and communicating with leadership and other key partners that data modernization is critical to the success of the health department.
  4. Build data modernization sustainability begins with a review of the current data structure in the health department and provides ideas for how to integrate sustainability into the data modernization work. 
  5. Assess current state and opportunities houses tools to assess the health department’s data modernization capacity in its current state, including digesting results from self-assessments.
  6. Prioritize projects recommends a process and tools to facilitate the evaluation and selection of priority projects for inclusion in the data modernization plan.
  7. Develop the data modernization plan supplies a structure to document a data modernization plan. 
  8. Implement provides recommendations and resources to structure each data modernization project implementation


This toolkit provides resources to assist in creating and implementing the data modernization plan. In addition to considering the recommended resources found in this toolkit, staff should also review what resources exist within the health department. Data modernization work has many parallels to quality improvement. Because many data modernization projects selected by grantees are a type of quality improvement project, select tools and resources from the quality improvement sector are included in this toolkit. 
Resource Sample


Callouts are used to provide real world examples where a health department has applied a recommendation from this toolkit. They help bring clarity to the strategies shared, allowing users to see them in action. Note that some callouts provide links to additional information. Some links lead to internal PHII resources found on this website, and some lead to  external resources from partners and other organizations.



Quick tips the data modernization team should use are highlighted throughout the toolkit. These are useful tasks or ideas the data modernization team should consider when implementing a plan. The tips appear when the mouse hovers over the icon. 

Data Modernization
Data Modernization

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