The requirements artifacts contained here provide clarity on what IIS technology must do and how it must operate to align with the CDC IIS Functional Standards and programmatic and immunization stakeholder needs. The essential requirements paint a picture of a baseline IIS, with foundational functions, capabilities and attributes necessary to support immunization program activities.

These artifacts can be used as a starting point for the procurement of an IIS platform, module or enhancement, to help assess and identify gaps in current IIS functions, and provide a roadmap for future joint development.

IIS Baseline Requirements Project Introduction

This brief report offers an introduction to IIS baseline requirements and an overview of how programs can leverage the accompanying requirements artifacts below to better understand their own needs and requirements.

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Used in conjunction with the Functional Model, the requirements traceability matrix (RTM) helps to clarify minimum expectations for what IIS technology must do and how it must operate to support IIS Functional Standards and programmatic and immunization stakeholder needs.

IIS IT Services Worksheet

This worksheet provides sample information technology (IT) related services that immunization/IIS programs might expect from an IT service provider such as a vendor. 

Functional Model (simplified one-sheet)

The quick reference version of the Functional Model is a one-page visual of the core functions, capabilities, and technical attributes of immunization information systems. This resource offers a common framework and consistent terminology for conveying what an IIS should do.

Functional Model (detailed)

Like the quick reference Functional Model, this more detailed two-pager provides the same information, but deep-dives into the definitions of each of the core functions, capabilities and attributes of a fully functioning IIS.

IIS Functional Model Workbook

Programs can use this interactive workbook to 1) help assess and identify possible enhancements to their IIS, and 2) help prioritize enhancements leveraging the prioritization criteria and six-sigma scoring framework included within the workbook.

IIS Functional Model Assessment 

This simplified assessment contains much of the same content as the workbook above, but is simplified to focus on only the programmatic IIS assessment.

IIS Report Inventory Comparison Matrix

Identifying potential gaps between reports currently used by an IIS/immunization program and those available in another system can help identify action needed; these gaps should be reviewed with your solution vendor to determine next steps. This tool is provided as a starting point to be leveraged and modified as needed to suit a jurisdiction’s needs.

Validating Requirements

After requirements for your system are defined, they will need to go through a validation process. This resource provides different methods for validating requirements and the steps that are associated with them.