By engaging in business process analysis, a public health program or organization can map out and better understand its own processes and activities, and can identify opportunities for improving efficiency or results.  

Collaborative Requirements Development Methodology (CRDM) Animated Walk-through

The walk-through demonstrates how to use proven process analysis tools and methods to understand and document your workflows; re-design your tasks to eliminate inefficiencies and redundancy; and effectively describe the ways in which information systems should support your work.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Template

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a step-by-step set of instructions to carry out a routine procedure, i.e., a prescribed way to carry out a process or part of a process.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Tracking Tool Template

A standard operating procedure is a document that outlines a procedure or set of procedures, including responsible parties, timelines and associated documentation. Use this tool to indicate the status of the SOP, the staff owner, date updated, etc.