Appendix B. School disciplinary action scenario workflows

The following workflows illustrate different scenarios of data flow based on whether the local education agency (LEA) has state or vendor support to write standard routines for Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) data and access to a statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS). 

For example, Model 1 illustrates the data flow for a LEA with no state or vendor support to write standard routines for CRDC. Model 2 illustrates the data flow for a LEA with vendor support to write standard routines for CRDC but without access to a SLDS. Model 3 illustrates the data flow for a LEA with access to vendor support to write standard routines for CRDC and access to a SLDS and Model 4 illustrates the data flow for a LEA with a SLDS that pre-populates the process diagram.