Guidance and Tools for an IIS Technology Transition

These actionable, adaptable tools guide you through the process of transitioning to a new technology platform or other large-scale project involving your immunization information system (IIS). Leverage best practices and tested tools to direct the process, save time and ensure project success. Access tools related to staffing, communications, training, testing and more.

Although these tools were developed to help IIS through the process of migrating to a new technology platform, they can help public health staff navigate any transition or project involving the IIS or another system. These tools can be leveraged for transitions of any scale, whether migrating to a new platform or updating a single IIS module.

How to Use This Toolkit
The five phases of the project management lifecycle

How to use this toolkit

For a full video demo of how to navigate the IIS Migration Toolkit, please see the embedded video below.

Use the toggle button at the top of the page to view toolkit tools by phase or by category.

  • View the toolkit by project phase to walk through each phase of the project management lifecycle as indicated in the graphic above. Within each phase, learn about the critical phase objectives and key outputs; download tools to help get you started on drafting your project outputs; and finally, review exit criteria to make sure you’re ready to move to the next phase. The phase view guides users through the entire migration process in sequential order.
  • View by category to quickly access a compilation of resources related to a particular project work area, such as testing, staffing, project management and more, to help you with a specific aspect of your project.