Data for Health: recommendations for what works Dave Ross
In the field of public health informatics, we talk and think at length about how data and health intersect, but on the Data for Health tour, we moved beyond the theoretical.
Lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak, Part II
The recent Ebola outbreak has taught us a few lessons about the importance of public health preparedness and response and the urgency in which it’s needed.
Infographic: a snapshot of the social determinants of health
This infographic shows social determinants in action in PHII's home state of Georgia.
The road to becoming an informatics-savvy health department
State and local health departments around the country are challenged to increase their information capabilities in a digital era.
Social determinants of health: the IOM’s vision for the future of care
Public health has long recognized the correlation between health and certain social and behavioral variables that range from ZIP code to income bracket.
Defining health beyond the clinic
It’s easy to mobilize our society when infectious diseases are involved, but outside of infectious disease control, defining who’s responsible for the health of a society becomes complex and controversial.